The MBA exists to assist churches in advancing the Gospel through community impact, church planting, church revitalization, and leadership development.

The MBA is an association of 50 churches located in four counties, cooperating together for the purposes of missions, evangelism, leadership development, church planting & discipleship. 


  • We acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ and value the Bible as the Word of God and as the authority for our mission efforts and work. (Phil. 2:9-11; 2 Timothy 3:15-17)

  • We value our churches and respect their autonomy. (Matthew 16:18)

  • We value cooperation. We are intentional in our efforts to build trust. We join our hearts and our resources in fellowship, strategy and service to accomplish the Great Commission of reaching Muskogee, Wagoner, Cherokee, and McIntosh counties and the world for Christ. (Acts 11:22-30; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8)

  • We value diversity. We see our differences as opportunities to experience God more fully. We celebrate a genuinely multiethnic, multicultural partnership of churches of all sizes. (Acts 10:34-35; 1 Corinthians 12:12; Ephesians 4:7-13; Rev. 5:9)


  • We work with BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries) on three college campuses
  • We work in the Women’s Prison doing Bible studies with 100 or more women
  • We have a Disaster Relief Team that serves all around the United States
  • We have a free medical clinic operating out of our Associational Building
  • We support the Crisis Pregnancy Center
  • We support the Gospel Rescue Mission
  • We support a Children’s Camp week at GCC