While there is a great need for new churches in some of our communities, it is also important that the established church be strengthened as well, and at times revitalized. The MBA works with local church leaders to help strengthen churches in a number of ways.

  • Providing counsel, training and resources for declining churches
  • Forming partnerships between struggling churches and healthier churches
  • Consulting with local church leaders in areas such as outreach, strategic planning and conflict resolution
  • Helping churches fill staff vacancies


Congregational Wellness Inventory – This tool measures church life in 12 areas of organizational system function. It deals with such things as handling conflict, vision, sense of humor, and other signs of group health. This is available free from Bob Perry at the Greene County Baptist Association office. Contact Bob at 417-880-4739.

Natural Church Development – This tool has been used internationally to measure church life in 8 key areas. It is scientifically proven as valid, and has been applied around the world. The website to learn more about NCD is

Leadership Journal has 20 free online assessments on their website. These measure church life in various areas. Their website is
Oklahoma Baptists offers a church health assessment tool. Their website is